Not Feeling Christmassy yet. :(

Usually by now I have fully decorated our house, sent cards, wrapped presents and generally driven my hubby up the wall with Christmas music and films.

But not this year. For some reason I just don’t feel Christmassy at all this year.

We made the decision not to send ‘actual’ cards this year and phone, text, email etc instead, better for the environment, bank balance, sanity…….

Then there was the debate about the tree, hubby is working extra long shifts over the holiday weeks, will literally be coming home to shower, sleep, eat and go back to work. He probably wont even set foot in the living room at all.

Christmas Day I will be out all day, I don’t drive, there will be no public transport running where we live so Hubby will drop me off at my Parents house on his way to work then pick me up on his way home.

So with no children in the house or visiting. Neither of us actually going to be home for Christmas and no-one going to be visiting us due to hubby working all of the time or sleeping due to being on night shift, there hardly seemed any point.

A full day (or more) of digging the decorations out, putting them up and then hoovering up all the glitter etc that somehow gets everywhere even though I can’t think of any decorations that actually have glitter on them!

No-one to appreciate the decorations then the enormous challenge of putting the decorations away again, nothing ever fits the same way as it did the year before.

So is this why I don’t feel Christmassy, would putting the decorations up actually make a difference or just take up lots of time (and stress me out in the process) or is something else missing?

What I do….

Well if I’m going to ramble on here I suppose I should let you know what I do when I’m not typing in here.

I am very busy, almost all of the time.

I am a self employed volunteer.


Well I’m a self employed AVON Rep and Sales Leader with a fabulous team of Reps and Sales Leaders, affectionately known as Team Siangela. 😀

I am the Social Media Mistress over at Alternative Copy, more about that later.

I am a volunteer working in a local youth organisation.

I love helping people, whether it’s helping people to set up and run successful AVON businesses or helping people to raise their self esteem levels. Helping people to feel fulfilled and helping them find the confidence in their own abilities to achieve their dreams.

It’s what I enjoy doing. Always has been.

Give me a topic to learn about and pass on the knowledge to people that can benefit from it and I’m happy. Support and encouragement are my preferred pass times.

I also have a fabulous group of customers through selling AVON and I get a lot of enjoyment out of chatting to them and providing them with fabulous service, oh yeah and earning commission on their orders is fab as well. 😀

Weird Day.

Have you ever had one of those days where everything is exactly the opposite to what you expect?

Plan for today was all written out, last night, with one or two doodles included to make me smile as the day went along.

Everything with approximate times, allowing for Buses not running to schedule, Doctors appointments running late, Pets being awkward whilst I try to clean them out and feed them and my husband sleeping for longer than he originally planned.

Well now I’m all confused, it looked really cold out so I wrapped up warm, then nearly cooked myself as it wasn’t cold at all, bus ran exactly on time, Doctors appointments were running early!! Pets were little Angels and I think I hear my husband getting up now, bang on time.

Am I still asleep?

Is this all a dream?

It’s odd that things going too smoothly actually makes me feel as disorganised as when they don’t go to plan at all.

Now I have lots of time I didn’t expect to have and no idea what to do.

It’s been a weird day.

Learning as I go. Please bear with me.

Well I’ve never had a Blog page before, I usually have lots to say about everything so you’d think it would be easy.

However I have to get my head round a whole new website, remember to write stuff, try to make sure the stuff I have written actually makes sense, ……. aagh!!!!!! It’s terrifying!!!!!!

Some of my posts will no doubt just be me thinking out loud, some will be masterfully written and some will be written with wonderful intentions.

Please note when I think out loud spelling/typing is not necessarily one of my strengths. 😦

I shall try not to bore you and I hope you will try to see past my newbie-ness in the Blog writing department. (Is newbie-ness even a sensible term?)

But I will get good at this, I will remember to post (well I’ll try) and I will enjoy doing it.

Mwahahaha. 😛