Gradually getting back on top of my life.

In an ideal world my week would consist of daily yoga and walks outside enjoying the local area. Harvesting and eating fresh produce from our garden, spending quality time with family and friends, enjoying working with my fabulous team of AVON reps and recruiting then training new team members. As well as helping my customersContinue reading “Gradually getting back on top of my life.”

Rubbish at Blogging, Sorry.

Yet again, I have to admit that I am terrible at blogging. It’s not that I forget to blog, it’s more that when I remember, I can’t think of anything sensible to say. Which explains why a lot of my previous posts make little or no sense. I have so much that I want toContinue reading “Rubbish at Blogging, Sorry.”

January is almost over, where did it go?!

Well I completed the 21 day challenge and enjoyed every minute of it. Nichole Kellerman is fantastic and great fun to work with. Check her out over at She has so much to offer anyone struggling to gain control over their weight and wellbeing. If you have ever dieted, tried assorted exercise regimes andContinue reading “January is almost over, where did it go?!”

21 day get moving challenge Starting on Monday 07/01/2013 I am taking part in Nichole Kellerman’s FREE 21 day get moving challenge. Why don’t you join me? I will also be using the ‘Wii Fit’ program and ‘Zumba’ (on the Wii) in order to shift some unwanted weight and get my body back to being toned with a decentContinue reading “21 day get moving challenge”