21 day get moving challenge



Starting on Monday 07/01/2013 I am taking part in Nichole Kellerman’s FREE 21 day get moving challenge.

Why don’t you join me?

I will also be using the ‘Wii Fit’ program and ‘Zumba’ (on the Wii) in order to shift some unwanted weight and get my body back to being toned with a decent amount of strength, agility and balance.

When I was younger I used to do dance classes Ballet, Tap, Latin, Ballroom and Modern. With friends in a few Ceilidh bands I also learned the dances and regularly took part in Ceilidhs. But life and studies got in the way and I stopped dancing.

Whilst at High School I trained 3 nights a week doing figure skating (on wheels not ice) I enjoyed it greatly but when I started University I no longer had the time to keep it up. Breaking a bone in my foot didn’t help.  I used to play badminton weekly with a few friends as well, however everyone is so busy now that it’s a struggle finding times that we’d all be able to attend.

Over the years assorted injuries and illnesses have gradually taken their toll on my fitness levels and abilities, as well as the inevitable weight gain and lowered self esteem that often goes hand in hand.

Well I’ve had enough!!! in 2013……

I WILL lose weight

I WILL feel fitter

I WILL feel healthier

I WILL be more active

& I WILL enjoy being me.

If your up for a get moving challenge why not check it out and sign up for yourself, there is still time to register FREE and get ready to take part. The more the merrier.

Published by Angela Paterson

I'm ME! :D

3 thoughts on “21 day get moving challenge

  1. oOo .. New to word press but have read a few of your blogs on the 21 day challenge… If it’s still avalable i’m going to give it a go… Have a few lbs i’d be better off with out 🙂

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