Rubbish at Blogging, Sorry.

Yet again, I have to admit that I am terrible at blogging. It’s not that I forget to blog, it’s more that when I remember, I can’t think of anything sensible to say. Which explains why a lot of my previous posts make little or no sense. I have so much that I want toContinue reading “Rubbish at Blogging, Sorry.”

21 day get moving challenge Starting on Monday 07/01/2013 I am taking part in Nichole Kellerman’s FREE 21 day get moving challenge. Why don’t you join me? I will also be using the ‘Wii Fit’ program and ‘Zumba’ (on the Wii) in order to shift some unwanted weight and get my body back to being toned with a decentContinue reading “21 day get moving challenge”