Candles, gemstones and cleaning!

Well I made lots of plans for all of the cleaning, tidying and organisation I was going to accomplish today. Guess how much of it got done! You guessed it, not a lot. I did get lots of other things done instead though. Which gives me more time to work on what was the planContinue reading “Candles, gemstones and cleaning!”

Rubbish at Blogging, Sorry.

Yet again, I have to admit that I am terrible at blogging. It’s not that I forget to blog, it’s more that when I remember, I can’t think of anything sensible to say. Which explains why a lot of my previous posts make little or no sense. I have so much that I want toContinue reading “Rubbish at Blogging, Sorry.”

Stand Tall & Reach for the Stars

Anyone who has ever visited the East End of Edinburgh is likely to recognise these Giraffes, they stand proudly beside each other with their heads held high. So many people pass these every day be they tourists, locals, shoppers, commuters, dog walkers, people out exercising and folk heading to the local cinema, theatre, restaurant orContinue reading “Stand Tall & Reach for the Stars”

21 day get moving challenge Starting on Monday 07/01/2013 I am taking part in Nichole Kellerman’s FREE 21 day get moving challenge. Why don’t you join me? I will also be using the ‘Wii Fit’ program and ‘Zumba’ (on the Wii) in order to shift some unwanted weight and get my body back to being toned with a decentContinue reading “21 day get moving challenge”